Regardless of whether you are already operating in Schertz or are looking to locate here, you’ve most likely wondered about the growth happening throughout the community.

And there’s certainly a lot to talk about, whether you are looking at demographics (Schertz is experiencing a 4% annual growth rate with 44% of residents holding college degrees) or square footage (1.95 million square feet of commercial space added in the Tri County, Interstate 35, and FM 3009 Service Area alone since the arrival of Schertz’ Amazon Fulfillment Center in 2013). Putting Schertz’ positive trends into perspective is an important task.

This blog intends to contextualize this economic development landscape on the local, regional, and state level as well as help you better understand the how and why behind the Schertz Economic Development Corporation’s (SEDC) approach to economic development.

Throughout the year, you can expect features on a variety of topics, including:

Topic Focus Why It Matters
Schertz Economic Development 101 The how & whys behind our local approach to economic development Every community does economic development differently; here you’ll find the basics for Schertz
Schertz Industries Manufacturing, Logistics, E-Commerce, & Data Centers Locating in Schertz offers multiple advantages including access to growing markets; see how companies benefit
Schertz Laborforce Training programs, school profiles, & more Companies need to draw from an existing and future pool of talented workers; learn about our market
Coverage of Special Events Events such as Manufacturing Day, release of Quarterly Reports As events related to economic development occur throughout the year, you’ll find highlighted features so you can stay in the know

We’ll start with a series we call Economic Development 101, where you’ll find a breakdown of our mission and why we focus on primary jobs, as well as an exploration of incentives.

As we go throughout 2018, look for special posts that may provide useful data, unique graphics, or notices of important events. If you find value in our blog, consider following us on Twitter so you can be the first to know when new content arrives. Thanks for checking out the SEDC Blog!